Shinpei nkt

Software engineer

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Three things I like about Golang

Now, Go is my second favorite language, and I want to write down why.

Firstly, I was playing with Go around 2010, and attracted it because of gofmt, which was a big surprise for me. I was always saying, “Go is nice, because they have gofm! You won’t need to care about your coding style.”. However the development environment was poor, we need to compile it with 6g , and need to write Makefile, which made me down (scon or cmake was favorite build tool at that time). At that time, it was said that it’ll take 10 years for one programming language get major, i was not into it so much.

At 2013, I was thinking about to challenge new things, and heard that Go has nice build toolset called gotool. It has passed just 3 years since it appears, so I thought it maybe too fast to begin with. Now I feel like I was wrong, Go has become a strong language that has potentially beats others.

Here’s why.


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Why I won’t use docker on my MacOSX

(Appendix: since 2015, Docker accept xhyve to support native execution, this article is obsolete anymore)

[Vagrant](‎), is well-known tool for using virtualization software more easily. Docker is another tool, which is spreading recently, replacing vagrant position slowly. Since vagrant works well on OSX, why not Docker? And, yes, we can run Docker on MacOSX these days easily. Good news?

But, if you have no doubt to use Docker on Mac, please read this article. Because, I won’t use docker on my OSX. The beauty of Docker (actually, not only Docker, but every beautiful tools) is that they made heavy and complicated work mastication for every engineers, who want to use it, or read handy tutorials, and because of this easiness, it may mislead to use it regardless of its cost.

LXC, one of the base technology under Docker, stands for “Linux Containers”. As well as we call...

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